Nursing mothers and the teaching of home economics in the junior secondary schools in Gwale local government area of Kano stateBy: mbccafesrcoeLevel: BscRating: (5.0) votes1Added:Jul. 9, 2024 Hits:247
Use of anthropometry to determine the prevalence of malnutrition among primary school children in Kumbotso local government areaBy: mbccafesrcoeLevel: BscRating: (5.0) votes1Added:Feb. 22, 2023 Hits:682
Consequences of parental negative emotions on children beheviour among families in Makurdi metropolisBy: JohngreyLevel: BscRating: (5.0) votes1Added:Dec. 21, 2022 Hits:603
Challenges of exclusive breastfeeding among working mothers - case study of Jalingo local government area of Taraba stateBy: AlexPTLevel: NDRating: (5.0) votes1Added:Oct. 22, 2022 Hits:641
The effect of malnutrition in children from 1 - 5 years - a case study of Kumbotso Lga of Kano statePopularBy: mbccafesrcoeLevel: BscRating: (3.3) votes18Added:Dec. 10, 2019 Hits:2,548