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Computer-based testing system

 Category:Project Software Manuals  
 By: usericon Nonny01  

 Posted: 2/1/2018 2:18:00 PM


CBT Software

Computer-based testing system is a windows based application that was designed to eliminate the problems associated with paper and pencil system of testing. Using the application, all the students need to do is point and click. With the aid of software, examination questions preparation, answers scoring and results checking will be faster and less prone to errors.

Some features of the software


1. Take Tests/Exams
2. Display Scores
3. Print Results
4. Multiple Choice Questions


1. Add/Edit/Delete Questions
2. Add/Edit/Delete Answers
3. Create Teacher and Student Accounts
4. Print Results

Hardware Requirements

1. A minimum of Pentium 4 with a speed of 1.3 GHz.
2. A minimum RAM capacity of at least 512MB.
3. Hard disk capacity of at least 100mb free space.

Software Requirements

1. Windows 7 and above

Some Snapshots

Computer-based testing system


Computer-based testing system

How to get the software (source codes, flowchart e.t.c)

Call or send us a message via contact us
Get the documentation/project material

Installation Instructions

1. Open the package folder
2. Open the setup folder
3. Double click the setup file


Anonymous Jun. 25, 2019

How does this work Please, How do i download the software?




Anonymous Mar. 18, 2020

I reallllllllly need the link for downloading the sw. Please help!!!



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