 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of computerized student registration number generating system

Design and implementation of computerized student registration number generating system

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon mike04  

 Project ID: 528
   Rating:  (3.1) votes: 15
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This work introduces a computer oriented approach to the generation of student registration number in the registration process of students admissions in the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu as opposed to the manual process that is currently in use. Although there may be a computer system existing already in the department used for staff and student’s services, it cannot handle the automatic Reg. No generation in the registration of the students since it was not initially designed for this, if there is, the computer system may be making use of batch processing techniques. The loopholes in the existing system (manual) will be taken into account in designing the new system. All the systems specification required to put the system into operation will be considered. This online operation will be made to be user-interactive. The programming language to be used for the systems design and development is PHP and MySQL.These system will be designed to auto generate Students RegistrationNumber which will serve as their unique ID in to the school. The system use an algorithm that will sequentially generate this Reg. No without a duplicate in them there by making the system efficient to its function and operations. This work is expected to eliminate the shortcomings of the existing system thereby being an explicit solution to implicit problems inherent in the system. ...
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