 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of electronic logbook for students industrial work experience scheme

Design and implementation of electronic logbook for students industrial work experience scheme

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon kruskalstat  

 Project ID: 5553
   Rating:  (3.3) votes: 12
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There has been wrong motives and lack of interest recognized among students who are due for SIWES programme, consequently upon the like and dislike that they have for it. This is due to the positive and negative effects they have found that SIWES have on them. The need for an electronic logbook for S.I.W.E.S cannot be over-emphasized. The main reason why this system is justified for implementation is that it directly avoids the stress and risk associated with the paper logbooks. The proposed electronic logbook system in this study differs from the existing system since internet technologies have been applied. This system uses a digital approach to keep records of the day-to-day activities of his/her IT placement training achievements. More specifically, the system allows for easy storing/filing of IT reports directly to the server and when need, a simple query is issued and the files are retrieved within seconds. The system was designed using HTML, CSS and Javascript for the frontend and using MySQL for the frontend....
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