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Do I have to register to use this website?
Registration is not required to use this website; however, if you wish to earn, upload projects, publish posts, ask questions, get notififications, registration is required. Registration is free and only takes a few minutes. The information you provide during registration is not outsourced or used for any advertising by Classgist. If you believe someone is sending you advertisements as a result of the information you provided, please notify us immediately.
How will I earn from the site?
You can earn by uploading projects and referring other users to join. Get detailed information
What is Instant Earnings?
Instant Earnings is the total amount at which your project materials are uploaded. For example, you upload a project material and set the price at 3000 naira, you will get an instant payment of 3000 naira. To withdraw this 3000 naira, a customer must have purchased the project. This will automatically transfer the 3000 naira from the Instant Earnings to your Total Earnings which you can now withdraw.
What is Total Earnings?
Total Earnings is the total amount your materials have earned. This is where you can withdraw from.
How is Total Earnings Calculated?
On first-sale of a project material, you will get 3000 naira (the amount you set the price of the project material). After the first sale, for subsequent sales, you get 1200 naira (40% of the selling price). You will continue to get 1200 naira for that project material so long as the material keep getting sales. The remaining 60% covers commissions we pay users that refer customers to your project material and also covers money paid for Facebook/Google ads.
What is Referral Earnings?
Referral earnings is the total amount you get when new users use your link to register and upload project materials. You earn a commission ONLY on the first-sales of your invited users' first project material. When your invited user's first project material gets sold, your commission automatically transfers from your Referal Earnings to your Total Earnings which you can then withdraw.
How will I know when/if my project materials have been purchased?
Every activity on your project materials generates notifications that are sent to your email and WhatsApp/Telegram. Each time someone views your project, you will get the notification. Each time your project gets sold, you will get notifications as well.
How will I receive my earnings/payment?
Simply log in to the site, click My Account link located at the top right corner(the drop-down) of the home page, then click Cash Out on the left menu. Request cash out. Your earnings will be transferred to your bank account.
Add your bank account details to your profile.
How do I upload a project?
To submit a project, sign up/login. Click the Upload Project button on the homepage. Enter the project details and submit.
How do I edit/manage my posts/projects?
You can edit your own posts at any time. Simply log in to the site, click My Account link located under your username at the top right corner(the drop-down) on the home page, browse through the left menu and click on the menu you want to edit.
You can edit your projects only when it is yet to be approved. Once approved, the projects will not be editable. To edit an approved project, contact an admin or a moderator.
How do I get a project material?
To get a project material, simply click on the project you are interested in, it will take you to the details of the project. If the project is free, you will see a Download Material button, click on the button to download. If the project is not free, you will see a Get the Complete Material button. Click the button, it will take you to a page where you will see the instructions on how to process your payment. Immediately, your payment is confirmed, your project material will be sent to your email address.
How can I edit my profile?
You can easily change any information stored in your profile by clicking My Account link located under your username at the top right corner(the drop-down) on the home page, then click "Edit profile" on the left menu. Simply log in to the site, so you can access your profile. You may edit any information as well as your photo (except your Username). You can edit any information as well as your photo (except your Username).
How will I know when/if my question has been answered?
You will get an email notification every time someone answeres your questions.
What do I do if I forget my Username and/or password?
Retrieving your username and password is simple. Go to the login page and click on the "Forgot your password?" link. You will be taken to the password recovery page. Enter the email you used during registration. Your username and password will be sent to your email.
Who are Moderators?
Moderators control submitted blog posts, projects, questions and solutions. They may edit, delete, or prune any uploads that do not comply with our terms and conditions. If you have a question about uploading items, you should direct it to the moderator or administrator.
Are cookies used?
Yes. This site uses cookies and other tracking technologies for performance, analytics and marketing purposes. These cookies are stored on your computer.
If you have not enabled cookies in your browser, many of these time-saving features will not work properly.
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