Application of Cauchy’s integral formula in the evaluation of contour integralsDepartment: Mathematics and StatisticsLevel: BscBy: Misa_Percy1 Rating: (5.0) votes1
Assessment of impact of television broadcasting in sensitization on Covid-19 vaccine - a study of NTA, AsabaDepartment: Mass CommunicationLevel: HNDBy: Alexander Rating: (5.0) votes1
Design and implementation of online driving school management systemDepartment: Computer ScienceLevel: BscBy: programmermlf Rating: (5.0) votes1
The effect of taxation on business and investment decision - a study of Asaba Aluminum Company LimitedDepartment: AccountancyLevel: NDBy: Alexander Rating: (5.0) votes1
Evaluation of the television medium as a channel for campaign against vote buying during elections in Nigeria - study of Nigeria Television Authority (NTA)Department: Mass CommunicationLevel: NDBy: Ruthy12345 Rating: (5.0) votes1
Antibacteria activity of mango leaf extract on Bacillus sp and Escherichia coliDepartment: MicrobiologyLevel: NDBy: Ziggerzillion Rating: (5.0) votes1
Influence of soil properties on weed occurrence in a tropical pond in MakurdiDepartment: Plant Breeding and Seed ScienceLevel: BscBy: Johngrey Rating: (5.0) votes1
Effect of different population densities on the productivity of soybean (TGX1987-10f) (Glycine max (L) Merill) in MakurdiDepartment: Plant Breeding and Seed ScienceLevel: BscBy: Johngrey Rating: (5.0) votes1
Effect of farming activities on occurence and diversity of aquatic weeds in a seasonal pond in Makurdi, Benue stateDepartment: Plant Breeding and Seed ScienceLevel: BscBy: Johngrey Rating: (5.0) votes1
The effects of professional accounting bodies on the development of the accounting profession in Nigeria (a case study of ICAN and ANAN)Department: AccountancyLevel: NDBy: Alexander Rating: (5.0) votes1