  Home ยป Good day Admin, thanks for the opportunity given to sell project materials on your site. i just read through the "Earn Money" link and i realized there is a payment of #1000 on each uploaded project. i found out that i haven't gotten any benefits from this. how do you pay your members please?

Good day Admin, thanks for the opportunity given to sell project materials on your site. i just read through the "Earn Money" link and i realized there is a payment of #1000 on each uploaded project. i found out that i haven't gotten any benefits from this. how do you pay your members please?

    By: usericon HadjiEedriz207  
   Date Posted: Apr. 17, 2019

7 answers:

nonny01 Apr. 17, 2019

Login and check your account. You will see your instant earnings. You can only withdraw or cash out whenever your project materials are purchased. This is to ensure that the uploaded materials would be of benefit to students/researchers. For further inquiries, chat with us via contact us


HadjiEedriz207 Apr. 17, 2019

Ok Thanks, but i just checked my instant earning balance, its still #0


nonny01 Apr. 17, 2019

Check your accounts settings, under the instant and total earnings section


HadjiEedriz207 Apr. 18, 2019

Admin, its still the same. #0


nonny01 Apr. 19, 2019

Accounts settings. Whenever any of your projects is purchased it would then reflect it in the total earnings.


HadjiEedriz207 Apr. 19, 2019

Thanks, it has been rectified


nonny01 Apr. 19, 2019


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