This is an automobile expert system designed to assist car owners in dealing with common car faults whenever human experts (also known as mechanics) are not available. Most times, the distance to a mechanic workshop poses challenges to car owners so we thought of a way to provide users the know how to diagnose and fix little problems.
Some features of the software
1. Search Car Symptoms
2. Add to Knowledgebase
3. Diagnose, View Suggestions and Solutions
4. Register/Provide Feedbacks
1. Add/Edit/Delete Symptoms and Solutions
2. Manage Clients Feedbacks
3. Validate and Verify the Expert System
4. Update Knowledgebase
Hardware Requirements
1. A minimum of Pentium 4 with a speed of 1.3 GHz.
2. A minimum RAM capacity of at least 512MB.
3. Hard disk capacity of at least 100mb free space.
Software Requirements
1. Windows 7 and above
2. Wamp Server
3. Web Browser (Firefox or Chrome)
Some Snapshots

How to get the software (source codes, flowchart e.t.c)
Call or send us a message via contact us
Get the documentation/project material
Installation Instructions
1. Download and install Wamp server
2. Open the package folder
3. Copy the first folder to C:\wamp\www
4. Create a new database in localhost/phpmyadmin and import the SQL file in the folder