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Tips to get your project supervisor to quickly approve your project topic

 Category:Research Projects  
 By: usericon Nonny01  

 Posted: 8/23/2017 3:41:00 PM


Learn how to get your project supervisor to quickly approve your project topic

Some students struggle to get their project topic approved by their supervisor. Most students feel that by submitting a good project topic their supervisor will simply approve it. It takes more than just a "good" project topic to get an approval. Research projects are supposed to contribute to existing knowledge or solve problems.


Your supervisor might decline to approve your project topic if it does not achieve the goals. Below are things you should do that would get your supervisor to approve your project topic.   

1. Avoid popular, common or recent project topics
2. Understand what your project topic is about
3. Submit project topics that can be conducted within a short time frame
4. Submit project topics with a justifiable statement of problem
5. Avoid project topics that have a narrow range of source or reading materials  
6. Submit project topics that are related to your field of study
7. Establish an effective student-supervisor relationship


Avoid popular, common or recent project topics


Before you submit your project topic, visit your school or departmental library and go through the past project materials kept there. You can also discuss with your supervisor in order to find out project topics he has recently supervised, common topics, his research area of interest and topics he/she can suggest. This will enable you to get a sense of the type of project topics your supervisor will be interested in.


Also, talk to your senior colleagues(those who have written projects) and lecturers,  so you can make an informed decision about what you are going to research or write about.  


Understand your project topics


At the point of submitting your project topics, your supervisor might ask you questions like, "What is your project all about?", "What are your research objectives?", "How do you intend to achieve your research goals"?, "What new information will you be adding to existing knowledge?" e.t.c. Questions like these are asked by your supervisor to ascertain if you really have a good grab of the research project.


Having a good background information about your subject matter is needed to answer these questions. Your ability to answer these questions will indicate to your supervisor that you are ready to conduct the research.


Submit project topics that can be conducted within a short time frame


In most schools, the time frame for conducting a research is usually less than 6 months. Within this short period of time, you are expected to find a topic, do the research and report the research. You should look for topics which can be carried out within this time frame. Topics which other researchers wrote about but suggested areas for further research are good examples. You can take advantage of the work they have done and build upon it.


Submit project topics with a justifiable statement of problem


The research problem establishes the importance of the topic. Your supervisor would want to know how your research will add to the body of knowledge or solve an existing problem. Your research project should have a brief and detailed explanation of why your research is worthy of being undertaken. If your supervisor finds the statement of the problems of research or project topics adequate, he/she would easily approve your project topic.  


Avoid project topics that have a narrow range of source or reading materials


The project materials for your topics should be readily available before you submit the topics to your supervisor. The data you will be analyzing should also be accessible. Conducting a research study without available materials could be stressful. At times, project supervisors usually ask if you've materials to serve as a guide in carrying out your research. This question is asked to make certain that your project or research topic can be successfully explored. Ease of access to materials for your topics will greatly assist to avoid the risk of getting stuck during the project.


Submit project topics that are related to your field of study


While there are plenty of topics to choose from, you should ensure that the ones you submit fit in within the boundaries of your study. The course you are studying has boundaries on what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. So you have to be cognizance of those boundaries and keep your topic within those boundaries in order to avoid an unnecessary argument with your supervisor about why you are extending beyond the edges of the boundaries.


Establish an effective student-supervisor relationship


The relationship you build with your project supervisor is an important factor in a successful research project work. Get acquainted with your project supervisor and understand what he/she is expecting of you, in both your research techniques and project report. Try as much as possible to meet with your supervisor more frequently.


After every meeting with your supervisor, implement the advice he/she gives you. This will make your supervisor more connected to you and more ready to assist you during the course of your research project.

1  comment:

Anonymous Jul. 11, 2023

I am new here, i am asked to submit a project topic for supervision. Please what do i write?



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