 Home»History and International Studies» A history of muslims - christians activities in Fagge local government area

A history of muslims - christians activities in Fagge local government area

 Department: History and International Studies  
 By: usericon sagiersageer  

 Project ID: 2272
   Rating:  (3.1) votes: 16
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Kano, a predominantly Islamic urban centre, was conquered by the British in 1903. Since then, the city has experienced diverse social, economic and political changes. Economically, Kano’s pre-colonial influence, as the entreport of the trans-Saharan trade from North Africa waned with the arrival of the British. In colonial times, imported goods, mostly from Britain and Europe, came through the southern Nigerian seaports of Lagos, Port-Harcourt, and Calabar.1 The trade in imported and foreign goods led to significant south-north migrations in Nigeria, with many southern Nigerian immigrants settling in Kano. ...
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