Effects of feeding mahogany (Swietenia Macrophylla) leaves with brewers dried grains supplement on nutrients utilization of west african dwarf goatsBy: Mzeeg6164Level: BscRating: (5.0) votes: 1Added:Jan. 10, 2024 Hits: 771
Prevalence of parasitic zoonoses in Kano state metropolitan abattoirBy: captainonuh1414Level: NDRating: (5.0) votes: 2Added:Feb. 17, 2023 Hits: 897
Performance of guinea fowl fed different commercial feed vital feed and amo feed from 7-11 weeksBy: captainonuh1414Level: NDRating: (5.0) votes: 1Added:Jan. 29, 2023 Hits: 760
Fertility, hatchability and embryonic death in a wild guinea fowl eggs in an extensive farm managed in Bali l.g.aBy: SirjosephLevel: NDRating: (5.0) votes: 1Added:Dec. 25, 2022 Hits: 771