Value added tax (VAT) in Nigeria - emerging problems and prospect presentedPopularBy: verao123Level: HNDRating: (3.0) votes: 148Added:Apr. 12, 2014 Hits: 4,220
The role of capital market in a developing economy ( A case study of the Nigeria stock exchange )PopularBy: verao123Level: NDRating: (3.0) votes: 132Added:Apr. 12, 2014 Hits: 3,973
The role of accounting system in measuring organizational performance of transport company ( A Case study of ABC Transport )PopularBy: verao123Level: HNDRating: (2.8) votes: 244Added:Apr. 12, 2014 Hits: 6,499
The Impact of product development on banks performance ( A Case study of first bank plc )PopularBy: vicbest01Level: NDRating: (2.4) votes: 384Added:Apr. 12, 2014 Hits: 8,025
The impact of development finance institutions (DFIS) in economic development of NigeriaPopularBy: vicbest01Level: BscRating: (2.0) votes: 265Added:Apr. 12, 2014 Hits: 6,015
The impact of budget and budgetary control in tertiary institutions ( A Case study of imo state university )PopularBy: vicbest01Level: BscRating: (2.3) votes: 512Added:Apr. 12, 2014 Hits: 11,588
Success and failures of public sector accountability in Nigeria for the period of 2005 - 2010PopularBy: vicbest01Level: NDRating: (3.0) votes: 134Added:Apr. 12, 2014 Hits: 3,101
Role of good accounting system in the management of private enterprise in Nigeria ( A Case Study of Nwaogo pam paper mills limited )PopularBy: vicbest01Level: NDRating: (3.0) votes: 144Added:Apr. 12, 2014 Hits: 6,695
Internal control as a tool for improving profitabilityPopularBy: philip123Level: NDRating: (3.0) votes: 288Added:Apr. 11, 2014 Hits: 9,697
Impact of computerization of accounting system of commercial banks ( A case study of union bank plc )PopularBy: philip123Level: NDRating: (2.6) votes: 442Added:Apr. 11, 2014 Hits: 8,377