 Home»Business Administration and Management» The Impact of Staff Discipline in the Attainment of Organizational Objectives ( A Case Study of Selected Organizations in Owerri, Imo State )

The Impact of Staff Discipline in the Attainment of Organizational Objectives ( A Case Study of Selected Organizations in Owerri, Imo State )

 Department: Business Administration and Management  
 By: usericon clems0123  

 Project ID: 111
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The Impact of Staff Discipline in Attainment of Organizational Objective (A Case Study of Selected Organization in Owerri, Imo State– UBA Plc.) This research work“The Impact of staff discipline in attainment of organizational objective is meant to x-ray the impact of staff discipline on the performance of the organization, ITC in specific. It is also meant to provide a bridge for undivided and non-segregated knowledge of management of staff discipline in organization. Employees are employed with different characters and attitudes. For the organizational effectiveness and efficiency, staff discipline has to be introduced to channel all the various behaviors towards achieving the organizational objective. Using a simple random sampling, a sample size of 52 was drawn from a population of 60 staff. Research question and hypothesis were formulated which guided the study. It was conducted that (i) staff discipline does not influence employees performance (ii) Staff discipline affects employees behavior. Conclusively, disciplinary procedures should be clearly defined, communicated and applied progressively. Managers of ITC should prefer staff of tolerable educational qualifications hence ignorance contributes to certain level of actions and behaviors....
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