 Home»Banking and Finance» The role of central bank of Nigeria (CBN) in the development of Nigeria financial sector

The role of central bank of Nigeria (CBN) in the development of Nigeria financial sector

 Department: Banking and Finance  
 By: usericon emeka1234  

 Project ID: 182
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The role of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in development of Nigeria financial sector cannot be over emphasized. This research work has been able to discuss briefly the history of Central Bank of Nigeria, it organizational structures, the role of CBN in the development of financial sector, which is the project topic. However, this study reviewed various literatures relating to the topic. The chi-square method was used to carry out the test of hypothesis and to analyze some of the questionnaires distributed. Furthermore, during the course of this research, my findings revealed that Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as the apex of all financial sector is pivotal in the management of the national economy. Its role is not only to regulate and monitor the financial distress which could undermine confidence in the system as well as facilities sustained growth but to provide a good conducive atmosphere for financial sector operations....
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