Design and implementation of a social media website for students Department: Computer Science By: tunde01 Project ID: 1855 Rating: (4.0) votes: 3Rate this project12345 Price:₦1000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe internet has been a platform for individuals, groups of people and companies to interact with one another through social media. The social media has truly aided interaction and even other business services through social networks, forums, blogs, etc. Forums are now been used as tools/platforms to create discussions, connect to people (mostly of similar interests) and as sources of relevant information. This work intends to make use of forums as tools in helping prospective university students to make the right decisions about their choice of career, choice of environment, etc. Based on an in-depth review of some relevant literature, some key requirements have been considered in the development of a suitable web application. This online forum will be developed for students to cater for some of their needs and solve some of the issues they face with their choice of career, their course of study, the accessibility of relevant information about any institution, etc....Preview Download Preview +Other Computer Science project topics and materials you might be interested in»Design and Implementation of digital library system»Design and Implementation of a Virtual E-Learning System ( Case study of Lagos State University)»Design and Implementation of online cash receipt generating system for a supermarket»Design and Implementation of computerized hospital database management system»Design and Implementation of Student Project Management and Allocation System»Design and Implementation of a Software Result Processing and Transcript Generation System»Design and Implementation of a Hotel Database Management System and Service ( A Case Study of Winter Suites and Hotels, Owerri)»Design and Implementation of Online Birth and Death Registration System»Design and Implementation of Online Clearance System»Design and Implementation of Loan Management System with SMS Notification»Design and Implementation of Computerized Staff Record Department»Design and Implementation of a Computerized Fraud Detection in a Bank»Design and Implementation of Cyber Cafe Security»Design and Implementation of N.Y.S.C Posting System ( A case study of N.Y.S.C Enugu)»Design and Simulation of a Secured Wireless Network