 Home»Computer Science» Design and Implementation of a Computerized Long Term Surveillance Record of HIV/AIDS Patient System

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Long Term Surveillance Record of HIV/AIDS Patient System

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon philip123  

 Project ID: 20
   Rating:  (2.9) votes: 144
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The aim of this research is to design and develop a computerized system of long term surveillance records HIV/AIDS patient. The system will improve the efficiency and communication skill in a hospital, keeps proper patient record, drug inventory, dispensing and efficiency of drugs dispensed.  I was motivated to embark on this research as a result of poor handling of patient record which might result in error in diagnosis and prescription of drugs and misplacement of files of a patient. The method used in the course of this research is following a consistent formalized, programmed set of procedures of the hospital.  The result of this research is to have a computerized system that will store patient record, drug inventory and dispensations as well as other relevant clinical information for easy retrieval.  In conclusion, the computerized system will process data speedily and accurately providing information’s when and where needed....
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