 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of a computerized tutor for nursery and primary school (quantitative and verbal reasoning)

Design and implementation of a computerized tutor for nursery and primary school (quantitative and verbal reasoning)

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon tunde01  

 Project ID: 2043
   Rating:  (3.2) votes: 11
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Computer-Assisted Instruction today presents new options and opportunities: powerful Machines, advanced computer science techniques, and input from cognitive psychology. Using these tools well is a challenge for which there are few guidelines or examples. The purpose of this write up is to describe how we used some simple artificial intelligence techniques in a powerful educational programming environment to capture some of the expertise of experienced teachers for an instructional program that runs on advanced Workstations. The research methodology used in this project research is the SSADM (Structured System Analysis and Design Method). The computerized tutor is designed in visual basic programming language and Microsoft Access database...
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