Evaluation of cheese quality using graded level of different plant extracts as milk coagulant Department: Agricultural Engineering By: emeka1234 Project ID: 2139 Rating: (3.1) votes: 20Rate this project12345 Price:₦1000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractCheese was prepared in a small scale at the Department of Agricultural technology Laboratory Kwara State Polytechnic Ilorin, Kwara State, and analysis of some parameter was carried out on evaluation of cheese quality using graded levels of different plant extracts as coagulants such as C.procera, C.papaya, and lime fruit juice. The Parameters analyzed for were, Weight of the cheese, Colour of the cheese, pH of the whey, Time of coagulation, Texture of the cheese Taste of the cheese and Palatability of the cheese. At the end of the experiment, it was concluded that lime fruit juice can best be used as a coagulant in the production of cheese. The use of lime as milk coagulant gives the best cheese out of the three coagulants used. Although other two coagulants did almost equally well. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Agricultural Engineering project topics and materials you might be interested in»Construction of a low cost drip irrigation system for water melon production»Design, construction and testing of a solar dryer»Evaluation of cheese quality using graded level of different plant extracts as milk coagulant»Assessment of levels of pollution of water boreholes in Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Imo state»Assessment of water quality of hand dug well (case study of Sabon Layin Bali local government area)»Rehabilitation of an existing green house»Evaluation of the effect of temperature on shape in drying performance of cassava chips