Effective purchasing planning as a cost reduction tool in the manufacturing industry Department: Purchasing and Supply By: jessy03 Project ID: 2142 Rating: (3.2) votes: 11Rate this project12345 Price:₦1000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis research is centered on organization with principal attention to planning for the attainment of organization goals the management of an organization is carried out through the aim of several people that comprises the procedure of achieving the mission through the transmission of organization requirement in which individuals working together. Management is a process by which the organization set objectives are achieved through coordinated purchasing staff efforts. Purchasing personnel management is that part of the process of management that is concerned with the maintenance of resources and ensuring the physical nature of materials and equipment being employed to contribute to organizational profitability. The research consists of five chapters which show how purchasing planning serves as a tool for effective achieving the organization objectives. The chapter one will consist of the introduction statement of problem, significant of the study, objective of the study, scope and limitation of the study, historical background of the company and definition of the term. Second chapter shows the literature review and how each-author deals with the mentioned topic. The third chapter also mentions about the research methodology instrument or tool used, research size, technical used in analysis data, testing of hypothesis. The fourth chapter deals with data presentation and analysis of data, discussion of result. Chapter five will be summary and finding, finding, recommendation, conclusions and references, questionnaires. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Purchasing and Supply project topics and materials you might be interested in»The impact of material management on organization productivity»The role of physical distribution function in a manufacturing company (A case study of 7up bottling company Aba) »The impact of new product development on performance of commercial banks in Nigeria (a case study of three banks in Owerri) »The need for effective stock control in an organization (a case study of Jacobs wine limited, Mgbidi)»Stock control: a tool for the attainment of organizational objectives in a manufacturing company (a case study of PZ industry Aba, Abia state) »The impact of manpower training and development on purchasing personnel in the manufacturing industry (a case study of PZ Cussons plc)»The need for efficient supply management in the public sector (a case study of ministry of finance Imo state)»The impact of the application of health and safety regulations in stores (a case study of consolidated brewery, Awo-Ommama) »The need for training and development of suppliers personnel in the public sector (a case study of ministry of agriculture and natural resources) »Effective purchasing planning as a cost reduction tool in the manufacturing industry»Impact of store functions on achieving organizational objectives»The roles of effective distribution channels on customers satisfaction»The impact of effective and efficient stock control in a manufacturing organization»Impact of stock taking as a control measure in a manufacturing company»The role and contribution of purchasing and supply in the profitability of an organization - a case study of Nigerian Bottling Company Plc, Owerri