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The roles of effective distribution channels on customers satisfaction

 Department: Purchasing and Supply  
 By: usericon mattkings  

 Project ID: 2158
   Rating:  (3.3) votes: 12
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The role of effective distribution channel in any organization cannot be overemphasized. This is because it assists positively in creating customers satisfaction since the customer remains the king in any economy. Distribution channel a locust path and route through which product passes or move from the point of production to the point of consumption is essential hence, its significance never be divorce from marketing product The process covers five chapters: Chapter One:  Background of study, statement of problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms, management, distribution policy and channels, marketing intermediaries agents direct sales. Chapter Two: Has to do with literature review, being the review of past authors work on the subject matter, direct and indirect method of distribution, wholesaling, limited service of wholesaler, retailing and their function, objective of distribution, the channel design decision, accounting for the cost of distribution principle of managing the channels and technique for managing the channel. Chapter Three: Consist of research methodology. This consist of the research method used instrument used for data collection, research population and sample size, the sampling procedure employed and the statistical techniques used in analysis of data and the information of data. Chapter four: Also cover, the presentation and analysis of data and the proof of hypothesis Chapter Five: The finding, conclusion and recommendation, summary...
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