Involvement of quantity surveyor in railway construction project cost in the Nigerian railway corporation, Niger state Department: Quantity Survey By: Expresshubpub Project ID: 2184 Rating: (3.3) votes: 15Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractQuantity Surveyors were partially involved with other members of the railway engineering in the railway construction projects as they undertake construction and financial management of the project from inception to completion stage. The project highlighted the involvement of quantity surveyor in railway construction project cost in Nigerian Railway Corporation, Niger State by administering questionnaires to Quantity Surveyors, Engineers and other construction professionals in Nigeria Railway Corporation Northwestern District Secretariat, Niger State. The use of a percentile table and percentage ranking were adopted in analyzing the data. The result shows that Quantity Surveyors was very low, considering 40% involvement in BOQ preparation, valuation 30%, cost planning 50% among other duties with lower involvement of the quantity surveyors. The result also showed that the current cost of rail line construction project is about N59M per kilometer and the bridge goes for about N526m per kilometer. It was assessed that there is no significant difference method of cost by the quantity surveyors and Engineers in railway projects despite the QS expertise in construction costing in railway construction projects. The research to this respect concludes that Quantity Surveyors involvement was very low and recommends that QS should continue to market their confidence and value effectively by discharging their professional duties whenever they are engaged in railway construction projects. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Quantity Survey project topics and materials you might be interested in»Assessment of factors influencing time performance of building projects in Nigeria construction industry»An examination of the role of value engineering analysis in the construction industry»The impact of interim valuation-certificate in construction project delivery»Involvement of quantity surveyor in railway construction project cost in the Nigerian railway corporation, Niger state»Risk management practice in construction project (a case study of Ebonyi state)»Appraisal of cost management practices in the delivery of capital projects in Nigeria»Assessment of the environmental impact of construction works»An assessment of the participation of female quantity surveyor in professional practice in Bida and Minna areas of Niger state»Productivity improvement of projects in the Nigerian construction industry»The comparative analysis of recreational facilities for housing estates»Estimating and budgeting a medium scale building project»Taking off processes and preparation of an un-priced bill of quantities»The effect of maintenance cost on the rent of commercial buildings - a case study of some selected buildings in Kaduna state»The effects of existing bid selection on public buildings construction projects in Kaduna state»An appraisal of the effects of government legislations and policies on building development in Nigeria