 Home»Building Technology» Safety procedures and accident prevention methods in construction sites

Safety procedures and accident prevention methods in construction sites

 Department: Building Technology  
 By: usericon peterjohn  

 Project ID: 221
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Construction is an inherently dangerous process that has traditionally had a high rate of accidents.  This production is due to the fact that unlike other production industries, the construction industry is unique and complex.  However, it is a fact that the work place (construction job site) can not be completely free from hazard hence the concept of safety is relative.  This project work is going to be primarily written to educate our numerous contractors, public and private authorities and various professionals and nonprofessionals in the construction industry on the construction of safety regulation and the various duties and responsibilities of all involved in building construction firm with regard to safety.  Managers or professionals sites have a lot of jobs to perform towards ensuring safety always. To this effect, the expected functions of building professionals are going to be discussed to get acquainted and informed in the construction industry with the norms existing and what is obtainable towards attaining a high degree of safety always. The relevant legislation governing safety in construction work will be highlighted.  Also measured aimed at attaining greater and safety working habit is not left.  ...
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