The impact of budgeting and budgetary control in construction project delivery in Nigeria Department: Building Technology By: peterjohn Project ID: 222 Rating: (2.1) votes: 300Rate this project12345 Price:₦1000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis research project examined the impact of budgeting and budgetary control in construction project delivery in Nigeria. The study tried to find out how industries make budget and uses budget to achieve the objectives of the firm. It also sought to ascertain the importance of budgeting and budgetary control to a construction firm. The research project also identified the limitation to the application of sound budgeting and budgetary control system in a construction firm. In constructing this research project, the data collection was through observation, interview, and questionnaire. The objectives of chapter one of this research project are to introduce the topic which the need for the research is the problem, the scope and limitation were given. The objectives of chapter two are to present a piece of the extensive literature review carried out in order to reveal the expressed opinion of notable authors and scholars as regards, to the relevance of the budgeting and budgetary control to an organization. Chapter three present the research design and methodology. Chapter four and five present the analysis of the research and result, conclusion and recommendation respectively. These chapters reviewed that budgeting and budgetary control is a sound management system which has the potentials to drive a construction firm into prime position in the construction sector of the economy. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Building Technology project topics and materials you might be interested in»Causes of project abandonment in building construction industry and remedial measures»Causes of construction project failures and abandonments in Nigeria»Safety procedures and accident prevention methods in construction sites»Control of Noise Pollution and Sound Insulation in Buildings ( A Case Study of a Broadcasting Studio)»The implication and benefit of the use of softwares in building project construction (case study of selected software and firm)»Maintenance and servicing problems of specialist works in building»A study of prospects and problems of timber as external material in building production in hot climate region»The effect of quality control in the building construction process (a case study of Afikpo, Ebonyi state)»The impact of budgeting and budgetary control in construction project delivery in Nigeria»Project planning and programming as tools for effective project delivery»The use of building survey for maintenance of building in Nigeria ( A case study of one storey building at Owerri, Imo state)»Challenges of low-cost housing delivery in Nigeria (Case study of Imo state)»Use of formwork design and construction of high building»Effects of labour management in building construction site - case study of Owerri, Imo state»Design and construction of office complex for school of environmental design technology