An assessment of the problems of wages and salary administration in a privatized firm - a study of Abuja electricity distribution company - Bida branch, Niger state Department: Public Administration By: Expresshubpub Project ID: 2247 Rating: (3.3) votes: 6Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractWages and salary administration in Nigeria has been a subject of immense controversy, if unresolved, in the context of Nigeria politico-administrative set up for several decades now. The topic itself is as complex as it is slippery in terms of definition and unique features. Among other things, the subject of wage and salary administration in this country has been a controversial one. The attempt has been to resolve such issues as what the basic should pay, the issues of labour cost, productivity, cost of living, and the question of compensation. This paper takes a critical perspective on the generic forces at work in recent times that relate to wage policies, strategies and schemes aimed at creating a conducive atmosphere for the workers (both in the private and public sectors) in Nigeria to perform. The main objective of the paper is to determine the key forces affecting wage and salary administration in Nigeria. Among the most recent experiences analyzed are those of the 2007 Federal Government Civil Service pay package and the current university pay system. The researcher adopted a simple cross-sectional survey method. Data collected were subjected to critical analysis using mostly non-parametric methods. The main findings include the fact that there have been unwarranted lags between labour (employee) pay and productivity huge income differentials between the various levels of government where the employees buy from the same market. The research recommends the need to embrace strategies and scheme that will attack high labour productivity, equity and fairness in rewarding workers ...Preview Download Preview +Other Public Administration project topics and materials you might be interested in»Impact of industrial conflict on the performance of workers in the government parastatal (a case study of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)»Human resources as a catalyst for economic growth and development in Nigeria (a case study of Abuja municipal area council) »The influence of effective personnel management practice in organization performance»Local government financial autonomy and grass root development in Nigeria (a case study of Afikpo north local government area)»Manpower training and development as a tool for effective performance in public sector in Nigeria»The impact of poor revenue generation on the development of Local Government Areas»Enhancing political stability in Nigeria through good governance ( a case study of Abia state)»Niger-Delta crisis and its impact on socio-economic development in Nigeria»Effects of delayed payment of lecturers salaries and wages on students performance»Bureaucracy and efficiency (a case study of Enugu state civil service)»Political instability a major hindrance to effective policy implementation and good governance (a case study of Nigeria 1983 -1999)»Fuel subsidy removal and the Nigerian economy (a case study of Abakiliki local government area, Ebonyi state) »Accountability and corruption in local government in Nigeria (Case study of Bonny local government area of Rivers state)»Impact of collective bargaining techniques on industrial relations practice (a case study of two selected firms from NUPENG and NUBIFE)»The influence of employee behaviour on the internal audit function of an organization (a case study of P.Z. industries plc Aba)