Adopting screen printing technique for the production of commemorative fabric Department: Creative Arts By: Oracle Project ID: 2376 Rating: (3.1) votes: 20Rate this project12345 Price:₦5000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe conventional process of transferring designs unto screen has been the normal practice over the years. This method though useful, produces designs that are static and rigid. The research idea was focused on exploring other techniques of transferring designs unto screen using natural objects such as leaves. The outcome of the result was discussed and analysed critically. The research was based on the qualitative research approach and made use of the experimental and descriptive methods of research. This project will enable textile students, teachers and designers acquire new and interesting techniques in creating textile designs. Traditional African art was generally characterized by its relative functionality and aesthetics. Art was a functional and necessary part of everyday life for traditional Africans. Religion, government, education, work and entertainment were all inter-related components in traditional African societies. Whether tangible or intangible, all forms of artistic expressions were deeply woven into the very fabric of their socio-religious context For organizational convenience, this research project is divided into five different chapters. Chapter one which is an introduction presents in a parsimonious way the historical background of the study. It also looks at the method of research and general objectives of the study. Chapter two studies the historical of textile, textiles and screen printing while chapter three looks at the techniques used, materials that are involve and studio practice. Chapter four outlines the procedure and steps. While chapter five was the conclusion...Preview Download Preview +Other Creative Arts project topics and materials you might be interested in»Adopting screen printing technique for the production of commemorative fabric