 Home»Computer Science» Decision support system for depression management

Decision support system for depression management

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon Divinefavour  

 Project ID: 2390
   Rating:  (3.2) votes: 11
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Depression disorder is common in primary care, but its diagnosis is complex and controversial due to the conflicting, overlapping and confusing nature of the multitude of symptoms, hence the need to retain cases in a case base and reuse effective previous solutions for current cases. This research work‘Decision Support System for Depression Management’ proposes a neuro-fuzzy-Case Base Reasoning (CBR) driven decision support system that utilizes solutions to previous cases in assisting physicians in the diagnosis of depression disorder. This platform a web base application implemented in python flask. The system actually present user/patients with question to provide answer. The system must be presented to a responsible person on age matters to be able to answer question correctly. The web based application is an artificial intelligence platform to form the decision support system. This system can serve as a self-administration platform....
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