Effects of some classes of insecticides Onclarias Gariepinus juveniles Department: Biological Science By: rainnjazz Project ID: 2421 Rating: (3.3) votes: 15Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractPesticides are chemical substances that reduce the destructive effect of living forms like insect, nematode, rodent and herbs e.t.c. pesticides are named as insecticides fungicides, herbicides, nematocides according to the organism groups on which they have to on effect. The experiment was conducted second week of September, to assess the histopothogical and behavioural changes associated with insecticide (Organophosphate DDVP and Pyrethroid cypermethrin) on juveniles of African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus. Fish samples were collected from Rumbun Kifi along sheik ja’afar mahmood adam road. The sample animal where transported to the aquarium BUK old campus and were divided in to 8 containers, range finding test was done first in order to know the actual concentration the test animal can tolerate. After range finding test was done, preparation of the treatment was done in different concentration, 0.013ml, 0.02ml and 0.033ml of diluted DDVP while 0.02ml,0.033,l and 0.046ml of diluted cypermetrin was used in each container and two (2) containers served as control. The duration of the exposure was 96 hours. Behavioural changes were observed like motionlessness during movement or swimming and while dissecting it was observed the test animal had less blood in the body cavity compared to the control group. Histopathological changes in the skin and gills of test animals were degeneration or deteriotion of skin tissue and hyperplastic of primary and secondary lamella respectively for both DDVP and cypermethrim. However the liver tissue were on affected. No behavioural or histhopathological changes were observed in the control group. It can be concluded that DDVP and cypermethrim had caused damages to the skin and gills of clarias gariepinus juvinels at all concentration. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Biological Science project topics and materials you might be interested in»Effect of role-play method on academic achievement of biology students in selected secondary schools in Kano metropolis»An investigation into the management and utilization of biological gardens in tertiary institution in Kano state»Isolation and identification of Helminth parasites of public health importance from commercial aquaculture ponds water within Kano metropolitan»Awareness and preventive measures of HIV/AIDS among undergraduates in Isiala Ngwa south local government area»A study of antibacterial activity of Zea Mays and Cymbopogan Citrasus on bacteria isolated from urine of pregnant women»Availability and utilization of laboratory resources in teaching and learning biology in Enugu north local government area of Enugu state»Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of Pourpartia birrea»Effects of some classes of insecticides Onclarias Gariepinus juveniles»Assessment of seed extract of pignut Jatropha Curcas for the control of beans weevil Callosobruchus Maculatus»Isolation and identification of helminthes parasites of public health importance from commercial aquaculture ponds water within Kano metropolitan»An analysis of the conceptual knowledge of drug abuse among biology students»Survey of insect pest infestation of trees in Kano zoological garden»Bacteriological quality assessment of sundried meat (Kilishi) sold in Katsina metropolis»Welfare profile of African catfish (Clarias Garipinus) exposed to senna occidentalis leaf powder»Isolation and identification of fungi in Nana hostel at Bayero university, Kano