 Home»Islamic Studies» Farmer-herdsmen crisis on food security in northern Nigeria - an Islamic solution

Farmer-herdsmen crisis on food security in northern Nigeria - an Islamic solution

 Department: Islamic Studies  
 By: usericon rainnjazz  

 Project ID: 2463
   Rating:  (3.1) votes: 21
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The paper highlights farmers, herdsmen crisis on food security in northern Nigeria an Islamic solution. Fulanis are traditionally a nomadic, pastoralist, tracking people, herding cattle, goats, and sheep across the vast dry hinterlands of their domain, keeping somewhat separate from the local agricultural population. However, it should be noted that the nature and causes of such conflicts could vary in different contexts.  In carrying out the above task, we underscored the truism that conflict is ever-present in human society. We also made it clear that there are negative socio-economic effects of the conflict on farmers’ output in Northern Nigeria. This conclusion is in line with the findings of Adisa (2013) who reported that most farmers perceived conflict situation as a'loss', while as'threat' and Musa and Shabu (2014) who concluded that conflict is a setback to the development of agricultural sector thus, the need to recognize and organize the parties to reduce the tendency for violent friction and to also increase understanding between opposing groups since bargaining lies at the center of the process of conflict resolution and management, and the native farmers and the Fulani herdsmen are bound together by nature and their respective professional calling....
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