Effect of school environment on the academic performance of primary school students Department: Education By: bapatigi7954 Project ID: 2482 Rating: (3.3) votes: 6Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe survey specifically focuses on the effects of school environment on the academic performance of primary school students in Agaie local government area of Niger state. The primary schools in Agaie local government out of which four (4) primary schools purposively selected and used for this research work. The literature was reviewed on the following aspects concept of learning environment, relevance of learning environment, component of learning environment and concept of academic performance. Survey research design comprises of all the primary school students in Agaie local government area. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 25 students from the 4 selected primary schools to give 100 samples population for questionnaire with 21 items drawn data were collected and analyzed using frequency, percentages, tables and mean score Chi-square was used to test the formulated hypothesis. The study revealed that students in selected primary schools in Agaie local government area performed credibly well in terminal examinations and continuous assessment test that the schools had basic facilities such as classroom buildings, teaching aids well trained qualified teachers and other school environment requirements are available for a conducive learning environment and responsible for students good academic performance. While other strategies that are needed to be adopted to improve more on the students’ academic performance include funding and training of teachers. The researcher recommended that schools should be adequately funded, by both government and stakeholders, teachers should be properly trained while the students should be motivated in school extracurricular activities, like sports, cultural troops, excursion and other clubs and societies in schools more classrooms should be provided in the schools to accommodate increased population to help promote effective teaching-learning in our primary schools. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Education project topics and materials you might be interested in»Strategies for improving low academic performance in English language in secondary schools»The effect of continuous assessment on academic performance of students in school (a case study of Okitipupa local government area of Ondo state)»Influence of social media on the performance of secondary school students as perceived by teachers»The effect of overpopulation on the academic performance of students - a case study of Uselu secondary school, Benin City»The use of extensive reading in promoting communication competence in secondary school»Effect of drill and practice on the academic achievement of students in English language in junior secondary schools»Evaluating the causes, effects and solutions to cultism in Nigeria's tertiary institutions»The problems of primary school education in Kano State»Factors affecting the effective implementation of continuous assessment in Oredo local government area of Edo state»Effect of school environment on the academic performance of primary school students»Factors associated with the mass failure of students in integrated science in secondary schools»Factors affecting the implementation of universal basic education in some selected primary schools»Cultism in Nigeria's tertiary institutions - a case study of Lagos state university»Efficacy of mastery learning on retention and performance in identified threshold concepts in chemistry among secondary school students in Kano municipal, Nigeria»Impact of principal’s leadership style on students’ academic performance in some selected secondary schools of Gwale local government area, Kano state