 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of a web-based electronic court case management system

Design and implementation of a web-based electronic court case management system

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon mattkings  

 Project ID: 2499
   Rating:  (3.1) votes: 26
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This project is about Electronic Court Case Management System (eCCMS) which is developed to make the functional areas in Judicial Service more efficient and effective. One of the main intentions of this project is to control and allow complete registration of all court cases and tracking of case current status and location to enhance public access, avoiding client to go to court and also needs to follow up daily after the filing of the case. This study also considers the adoption of the case management system as an important component in the delivery of service to their clients. The methodology I used for the project development is the Agile Development Methodology. This methodology was used because the project is needed to deal directly with the clients and users so that the developers will know what they really want and how they want the system to function from the feedback they give after each iteration. The 21st century has witnessed so many great inventions in science and technology that have led with great potential to solve existing problems....
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