 Home»Economics» The impact of liquidity on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria Plc

The impact of liquidity on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria Plc

 Department: Economics  
 By: usericon mike04  

 Project ID: 2715
   Rating:  (3.1) votes: 21
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This study examined the impact of liquidity performance in commercial banks using First Bank of Nigeria Plc as a case study. Secondary data used in this study were carried from textbooks, journals, magazines and newspapers. Our findings indicate that there was a positive relationship between liquidity management and the existence of any banks. Based on these findings we recommend that should be prudent in extending credit facilities to their client/customers to avoid the problem of load loss management and competence in the banking system should be enhanced to increase asset quality. For effective and dynamic liquidity management the following recommendations are also required for implementation. (1) A bank must make sure to meet up with the permissible range. (2) In managing liquidity, banks also have to take into consideration local and national factors such as the type, sources and stability of deposit which are primary factors for the local level. The social-political and economic level of development should be considered. ...
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