 Home»Computer Engineering» Bridge overloading and traffic control system

Bridge overloading and traffic control system

 Department: Computer Engineering  
 By: usericon gagaloaded  

 Project ID: 2724
   Rating:  (3.2) votes: 14
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This bridge overloading system was designed to curtail or stop the overloading of bridges with too much load which can lead to adverse damage or loss of life. The system functioning is based on selecting different simulations that happen on the road networks to bridges with different speeds of cars which has different weights than the system will make sure the bridge is not overloaded by detecting the load that enters the bridge and that which leaves the bridge. The method used to help achieve the above objectives is by the use of an intelligent and cooperative set of actuators and sensors that is linked to a central control system based on fuzzy logic control (FLC) that can determine different speed cars and the different weight to avoid bridge collapse, traffic jams, and accidents. The result shows that the system will help improve the reliability and efficiency of the road network system by eliminating the weakness that is found in the existing system and conclusively, the proposed ABOCS which has high intelligence applied into it through fuzzy logic for bridge traffic control has successfully proved the practicability of an effective system that can reduce the rate of bridge collapse which can arise from congestion....
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