Factors influencing juvenile delinquencies among juvenile in Borstal Training Institute Ganmo, Kwara state Department: Education By: clems0123 Project ID: 2845 Rating: (3.2) votes: 11Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis study investigated the factors influencing juvenile delinquencies among juveniles in Borstal Training Institute Ganmo, Kwara State. A sample of 150 respondents were randomly selected. A questionnaire titled Factor Influencing Juvenile Delinquencies Questionnaire (FIJDQ) was administered to elicit relevant information from the respondents and the data collected were analyzed with the use of frequency counts, simple percentages, t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study revealed that parents not paying adequate attention to their children and lack of parental supervision or control, and exposure of children to drug use are the fundamental factors influencing juvenile delinquencies. Based on these findings, it was recommended that multisystem therapy (MST) could be adopted. MST is a family-oriented home-based program targeting chronically violent, substance-abusing juvenile offenders aged 12 to 17. also, counselors should be employed in remand or juvenile homes for enhanced and functional guidance and counseling activities aimed at rehabilitating and reforming the delinquent juveniles. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Education project topics and materials you might be interested in»Strategies for improving low academic performance in English language in secondary schools»The effect of continuous assessment on academic performance of students in school (a case study of Okitipupa local government area of Ondo state)»Influence of social media on the performance of secondary school students as perceived by teachers»The effect of overpopulation on the academic performance of students - a case study of Uselu secondary school, Benin City»The use of extensive reading in promoting communication competence in secondary school»Effect of drill and practice on the academic achievement of students in English language in junior secondary schools»Evaluating the causes, effects and solutions to cultism in Nigeria's tertiary institutions»The problems of primary school education in Kano State»Factors affecting the effective implementation of continuous assessment in Oredo local government area of Edo state»Effect of school environment on the academic performance of primary school students»Factors associated with the mass failure of students in integrated science in secondary schools»Factors affecting the implementation of universal basic education in some selected primary schools»Cultism in Nigeria's tertiary institutions - a case study of Lagos state university»Efficacy of mastery learning on retention and performance in identified threshold concepts in chemistry among secondary school students in Kano municipal, Nigeria»Impact of principal’s leadership style on students’ academic performance in some selected secondary schools of Gwale local government area, Kano state