Role and importance of marketing to manufacturing firms in a competitive market environment - a case study of De-united foods industry limited - Indomie instant noodles Department: Marketing By: peterjohn Project ID: 2867 Rating: (3.2) votes: 11Rate this project12345 Price:₦2000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe primary objective for any profit-oriented organization is to maximize profit and minimize loss among other objectives. However, achieving these stated objectives and others given along with some environment elements which are not within the control and capacity of the organization. Among these external elements or environment factoring competition. The nature, diversity and dynamic competition in the market determine the strategy and traffics that will be formulated and adopted in dealing with such environmental factors. Among several available strategies that could be adopted includes promotion which its integral part is marketing. This research project will evaluate the importance and significant role of marketing to manufacturing firm in a competitive market environment taking DE–UNITED FOOD INDUSTRY as a case of study. The project concluded that any manufacturing organization that is profit-oriented should adopt a marketing concept strategy. This will enable the organization to fully understand the fundamental needs and desires of the target market thereby gaining competitive advantage over other competitors. The project recommends that the primary objective of any manufacturing organization will and can be fully accomplished if the marketing concept is adopted and fully frizzed in a competitive environment....Preview Download Preview +Other Marketing project topics and materials you might be interested in»The impact of sales promotion on organizational performance (a case study of Nigeria bottling company PLC)»The impact of advertising on the growth of small scale business in general (a study of standard insurance company, Aba) »Product differentiation as a competitive tool in the marketing of soft drink (a case study of Limca bottling company PLC, Okigwe)»The influence of sales promotion on consumer brand loyalty (a study of uncle c.y bread manufacturing company, Obowo L.G.A of Imo State) »The influence of advertising and personal selling on marketing of new products of commercial banks in Aba (a case study of UBA Nigeria PLC, Aba) »The impact of advertising on sales performance»Sales promotion as a tool for increasing profitability in an organization (a case study of Nigeria bottling company PLC, Owerri) »Marketing Segmentation and Targeting Strategies for a Firm Competitive Growth ( A Case Study of Chris Fast Food Restaurant Owerri Imo State )»The effect of marketing research in product planning process (a case study of Unilever PLC, Aba, Abia state)»The impact of sales promotion in the marketing of consumer product in Nigeria»Consumer attitude towards made in Nigerian products (a study of Aba made leather works)»The relevance of marketing planning in achieving the business growth of dealers of electronics in Imo state (a study of selected dealers of electronic in Owerri metropolis)»The impact of market segmentation on sales turnover»Marketing planning as a strategy for efficient business performance»Factors that influence consumer purchase and consumption of eggs in Enugu state