A comparative analysis of the maintenance culture of public property in Unwana Department: Estate Management By: Chukwuemeka Project ID: 2875 Rating: (3.1) votes: 16Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis study centers on A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE MAINTENANCE CULTURE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY IN UNWANA. Maintenance is the work undertaking in order to keep or restore every facility on the building and its content to an acceptable standard. The study identifies the types of public buildings in Unwana, assesses the current condition and state of the public buildings, identifies the underlying principle causes poor maintenance and analyzes the activities of the maintenance department. Relevant literature were obtained from primary and secondary sources. A total of 338 (three hundred and thirty-eight) questionnaire according to the total number of staff in the three public properties in Unwana were administered, out of which 300(three hundred) were duly completed and returned and 29 not returned. Observation shows that these public buildings have suffered serious neglect in recent times in spite of huge money invested in the building. Most public buildings are facing maintenance problems like leaking roofs, cracked walls, broken louvers, decayed door and window frame, broken tiles. In chapter three and four, the administration of questionnaires was done according to the number of staff in the three (3) selected public buildings in Unwana and the analysis of the study in the field survey data receive was done using percentage and Chi-square statistical tool. Recommendations were made based on the funding that regular Maintenance and monitoring of the state of public buildings should be a continuous exercise. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Estate Management project topics and materials you might be interested in»Effect of building material cost on housing development in Nigeria»Effects of obsolescence on residential properties (a case study of Oparanozie street in Owerri, Imo state) »An assessment of residential housing problem in the urban areas of Nigeria (a case study of Umuahia urban)»Effect of environmental pollution on real estate development (a case study of Warri, Delta state)»Recreational Property Development in Owerri Imo State ( A Case Study of Owerri Municipal )»Problems of urban land management (a case study of Owerri capital territory) »Challenges associated with the valuation of specialized properties»Challenges associated with real estate investment in Enugu, Nigeria»Effect of location on rental value of commercial property - a case study of Bida metropolis»Impact of land use act on property development in Nigeria»The effect of oil spillage on residential property investment (a case study of Oyibo in Rivers state) »The economic implication of multiple hostel accommodation in tertiary institution in Nigeria (a case study of federal polytechnic Nekede, Owerri) »Comparative analysis of the impact of infrastructural facilities on the value of properties»Land use regulations and its effects on land development»The impact of Akwa ibom state university of science and technology on social development of mkpat enin L.G.A Akwa ibom state