 Home»Building Technology» Evaluation of rain roof water harvesting system in some rural areas in Imo state

Evaluation of rain roof water harvesting system in some rural areas in Imo state

 Department: Building Technology  
 By: usericon princeoziddyone  

 Project ID: 2878
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The aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the rain roof water harvesting systems in Anambra state and the problems associated with practices of rainwater harvesting system. The selected technical performance evaluation parameters are reservoir capacity, the performance of gutter and downpipes and water quality. This research was formulated through literature review, analysis of some case studies on rainwater harvesting, and to a certain extent, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, data from primary and secondary sources also used for the purpose. Using existed data on rainwater harvesting systems, a graph was established to figure out the relationship between tank size, roof area and the number of users with a percentage of time tank empty, coefficient of water utilization and reliability ratio so that easily understand and design economical water harvesting structures and cistern sizes for collection of rainwater. The research finds out that, in general, lack of standardization and awareness, policy issues, poor system operation or management lack of regular monitoring and maintenances are among the main technical performance problems on the promotion and implementation of the technology. ...
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