Evaluation of fire safety protection in public buildings - a case study of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Unizik, Anambra State Department: Building Technology By: princeoziddyone Project ID: 2890 Rating: (3.1) votes: 16Rate this project12345 Price:₦4000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe accident of fire is always horrifying when considering the rate of deaths and damage caused as a result of fire accident in the world. Although there are evidences of firefighting equipment for safety and protection in some buildings in Nigeria, still fire incident is claiming over 50 billion naira every year. This implies that Nigeria is yet to reduce the incessant fire outbreak in building. Four research questions guided this study. The study is basically focused on evaluation of fire safety protection in public buildings. The benefits that will accrue from this study are meant to help the governments, private sectors and general public to see the importance and, or the need for fire protection (security) and safety of life and property. Data were collected from the population using the following data collection techniques or instrument. Physical observation of the buildings under study questionnaire and Interview. The population of this research work comprise of professionals in the building industry and people that is making use of buildings in the scope of this research study. Thirty five (35) professionals in the building construction industry were randomly selected for the administration of questionnaire while 78 people that is making use of buildings were equally selected randomly. Thus, 113 respondents made up the sample size. The data generated from this study were analyzed, with the statistical method of frequency distribution and percentages of all the respondents. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher recommended followings. Public buildings should be provided with at least portable firefighting equipment, generally all building users should be educated on fire prevention and safety, Government should establish a fire safety department in 36 state of the country to help in accessing building plans before approving them for construction. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Building Technology project topics and materials you might be interested in»Causes of project abandonment in building construction industry and remedial measures»Causes of construction project failures and abandonments in Nigeria»Safety procedures and accident prevention methods in construction sites»Control of Noise Pollution and Sound Insulation in Buildings ( A Case Study of a Broadcasting Studio)»The implication and benefit of the use of softwares in building project construction (case study of selected software and firm)»Maintenance and servicing problems of specialist works in building»The effect of quality control in the building construction process (a case study of Afikpo, Ebonyi state)»A study of prospects and problems of timber as external material in building production in hot climate region»The impact of budgeting and budgetary control in construction project delivery in Nigeria»The use of building survey for maintenance of building in Nigeria ( A case study of one storey building at Owerri, Imo state)»Project planning and programming as tools for effective project delivery»Challenges of low-cost housing delivery in Nigeria (Case study of Imo state)»Use of formwork design and construction of high building»Effects of labour management in building construction site - case study of Owerri, Imo state»Design and construction of office complex for school of environmental design technology