 Home»Computer Science» Online ex-convict file maintenance system - a case study of Imo State Prison, Owerri

Online ex-convict file maintenance system - a case study of Imo State Prison, Owerri

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon mike04  

 Project ID: 3086
   Rating:  (3.1) votes: 16
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Ex-convict can be defined as someone that uses to be in prison, someone that has been convicted for a particular crime. Online ex-convict file maintenance system is an online system developed to manage and maintain the records of an ex-convict individual. This software will enhance the proper and accurate, management and maintenance of ex-convict files. It will keep track and record of when an ex-convict is being released, the accurate date and time, it will also keep track of how many times an individual is being convicted and released. The method of storing and maintaining an ex-convict file is a manual method that associated with delays as well as the mishandling of files and inefficiency. This prompts the development of this system to solve the problem identified in the present system. Html, CSS, Javascript and PHP are the language used to design the software and the database is MySQL database. Structured System Analysis and Design Method is the methodology I adopted when designing this project. A complete implementation of this project online ex-convict file maintenance system will create a reliable means of storing information in the prison and provide complete and accurate information in the prison. ...
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