Phytochemicals and minerals analysis of rosary pea (Abrus Precatorious leaves) Department: Biochemistry By: Highbridconnect Project ID: 3102 Rating: (3.2) votes: 11Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractPhytochemical analysis and mineral composition were carried out on the leaves of Abrus Precatorius. The result showed that Tannins, Saponins, Flavonoids, Alkaloids, glycoside and phenols, Tannins and cardiac Alkaloids were highly present while Flavonoids, glycoside, Saponins, and phenols, were moderately present. Glycoside and Flavonoids were absent in the leaf. Minerals analysis gave a quantitative knowledge of the amount of different minerals elements present using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The result for the for the leaves revealed 0.13±0.08mg/100g Copper, 2.30±0.16 mg/100g, Iron, 18.20±0.08 mg/100g Zinc, Potassium 32.80±0.28 mg/100g, Sodium 46.32±0.02 mg/100g, Calcium 62.90±0.24 mg/100g, Manganese 84.40±0.24 mg/100g. Based on these findings, Abrus Precatorius is therapeutically valuable and can serve as a good source of essential minerals. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Biochemistry project topics and materials you might be interested in»Phytochemical and nutritive composition of fluted pumpkin»Determination of ascorbic acid in selected fruits mango, orange and pineapple using spectro-photometric method»Comparative evaluation of heavy metal loads in some selected soft drinks in Owerri, Imo state»Antilipidemic effect of water (H2O) extract of desmodium velutinum leaves on albino Wistar rats»The effect of water extract of cola nitida pod on lipoprotein concentrations of albino Wistar rats»Preliminary investigation on effects of burantashi extract on lipoproteins of albino male and female whistar rats»The extraction of manganese (iv) ion from aqueous media using 1-phethyl-3-methyl pyrazolone-5»Nutritive value, anti-nutrient and mineral composition of cashew nut (Anacardium Occidentale)»Evaluation of the immunomodulatory effect of oral administration of the methanol extract of gongronema latifolium (utazi) in wistar albino rats»Comparative study on the free radical scavenging potential of turmeric and beetroot»Phytochemicals and minerals analysis of rosary pea (Abrus Precatorious leaves)»Determination of total petroleum hydrocarbons in Niger river»Qualitative phytochemical and gas chromatography mass spectrometry GCMS of Nhexane extracted leaves of sabicea calycina»Charges in the concentration of nitric oxide in the serum gills brain liver and kidney of clarias gariepinus exposed to glyphosatebased herbicide»Hydrogen peroxide scavenging activities and reducing power of various fruits juice in Yenagoa