 Home»Community Health» Knowledge and perception towards epilepsy among students of Emirates College of health, sciences and technology (ECOHSAT)

Knowledge and perception towards epilepsy among students of Emirates College of health, sciences and technology (ECOHSAT)

 Department: Community Health  
 By: usericon rainnjazz  

 Project ID: 3259
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Epilepsy is also called"seizure disorder". People with epilepsy experience recurrent seizure because a sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain cause a temporary disturbance in the messaging system between the brain cells. The purpose of this study is to access the knowledge and perception towards epilepsy among students of ECOHSAT. Two research questions were formulated to guide the research work. This study is expected to be of great importance to the government to various levels, health institutions and health workers. Related works of literature were properly reviewed. And descriptive survey design was carried out among ECOHSAT. The population of the study consists of all students of ECOHSAT. A quota sampling technique was used to select 50 respondents from the population. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data for this study and was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The items under each research question were structure based on five points Likert scale. The research instrument was validated by two experts. Decision making was based on a cut-off point of 3.00 on a five-point rating scale. Therefore, any item with a mean of 2.99 and below was rejected. Mean and frequency were use to describe the finding from the study. 66% of the respondents are female. The assessment of the level of the knowledge on epilepsy is adequate. Also, their perception towards epilepsy is a remarkably good case on the finding from the study. There is a need that students should be taught all possible ways on most of the concept of disease conditions and introducing them to most of the conditions, especially in the community. ...
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