 Home»Environmental Health Science» Attitude of parents toward polio immunization

Attitude of parents toward polio immunization

 Department: Environmental Health Science  
 By: usericon mgoobee  

 Project ID: 3266
   Rating:  (3.1) votes: 16
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The project carried out a research the'Attitude of parents towards polio immunization in Makama'A' ward in Bauchi LGA, Bauchi state'. Five (5) settlements were selected through the random sampling method. Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection in the study. The findings revealed that 66% of parents in Makama'A' ward were aware that immunization against polio is important while 34% have no adequate knowledge on the importance of immunization. The suggestion on how to improve parents’ attitudes toward immunization is all about, organizing home visits and house to house immunization should be done in order to make the parents have no excuse for missing vaccination regardless of Immunization Plus Days campaign (IPDs) with poliomyelitis. This should be extended to include all other immunizations for diseases covered by the National programme on immunization (NPI) in Nigeria....
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