Evaluation of patient appointment system - a case study of university of Ilorin teaching hospital Department: Health Information Management By: iamjahmeyou Project ID: 3398 Rating: (3.4) votes: 17Rate this project12345 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis research was carried out on the evaluation of patient appointment system at UITH, Ilorin. However, the patient appointment system is an individual instrument in the hospital which has been review in this study. The findings also expose the choice of the appointment system in the hospital and the usefulness to ensure patient waiting time is reduced which has been explained by many writers who have investigated the subject. Descriptive survey was employed for this study. 120 questionnaires were distributed randomly to the respondents, only 100 copies were filled and return to the researcher. The percentage of respondent proof the importance of patient appointment system in the hospital. In conclusion, patient appointment system was seen as a vital tool in reducing patient waiting in the hospital. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Health Information Management project topics and materials you might be interested in»Analysis of filing system and consequences of misfiling»Impact of health information management in healthcare delivery»Evaluation of the problems and constraints facing health record keeping and professionals»Assessment of challenges of health information management practice in General Hospital Ilorin, Kwara State»Analysis of filing system and consequences of misfiling patients health records in University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Kwara state»A study into causes of misfiling among health information management professionals in health records department - case study of University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Kwara state»Factors militating against effective documentation in health care delivery system in University of Benin Teaching Hospital Benin City, Edo state»Evaluation of confidentiality of patient health records among hospital staff»Evaluation of patient appointment system - a case study of university of Ilorin teaching hospital»Effect of lack of health information computerization in the primary health care system»Impact of electronic medical records on patients waiting time in health care delivery system in Federal Medical Center, Asaba, Delta state»Causes and consequences of breach of confidentiality of patient health information in Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos state»Impact of health statistics in the health care delivery system at University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Kwara State»Evaluation of the importance of health information management in primary health care»Knowledge and perception of health information management professionals on electronic coding for quality clinical data in University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Kwara state