 Home»Biochemistry» The extraction of manganese (iv) ion from aqueous media using 1-phethyl-3-methyl pyrazolone-5

The extraction of manganese (iv) ion from aqueous media using 1-phethyl-3-methyl pyrazolone-5

 Department: Biochemistry  
 By: usericon clems0123  

 Project ID: 362
   Rating:  (2.9) votes: 39
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Extraction of manganese (iv) ion from aqueous media using 1-phenyl-3-methyl pyrazolone-5  has been studied. The 0.0lM of 1-phenyl-3-methyl pyrazolone-5 was prepared by dissolving 1.74g in 100ml (40ml butanol and 60ml chloroform) 2ml aqueous phase of different acid concentrations 1M to 6M where prepared with HCl, HN03, H2S04, respectively. Extraction process involved the mixture of 2Ml organic phase and aqueous phase respectively, shaken for 40mins and allowed to settle. The raffinate was taken for analysis using spectrophotometer. The result showed that extraction of Mn4+ ion varies from 1.51% to 22.66% at different acid concentration. There was extraction at 1M to 6M of HCl when gave 4.51%, 4.41%, 4.47%, 4.22%, 3.48% and 3.79%. There was extraction at 1m to 6M of H2S04 which gave, 2.83%, 1.47%, 2.32%, 1.87%, 1.51% and 1.12%, and there was also extraction at HN03 which also gave, 4.68%, 4.22%, 4.45%, 3.20%, 22.66% and 2.50%....
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