Quality characteristics of cookies produced from wheat, corn – soy composite and the pasting characteristics of the flour blended Department: Food Science Technology By: clems0123 Project ID: 388 Rating: (2.9) votes: 48Rate this project12345 Price:₦1000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractCookies were produced using 100% Wheat, 90%:10%, 80%:20%, 70%:30% and 60%:40% Corn– Soy composite. The Proximate Analysis showed that Moisture Content ranged from 5.0% to 8.3%, Fibre Content ranged from 0.59% to 1.14%, Fat Content ranged from 12.12% to 14.13%, Protein Content ranged from 12.01% to 14.14%, Ash content ranged from 1.39% to 1.74%, Carbohydrate Content ranged from 55.1% to 60.3%. The Mineral Analysis showed that calcium content ranged from 0.35mg to 0.48mg, 0.13mg to 0.29mg for Zinc, 0.36mg to 0.52mg for potassium and 0.06% to 0.24mg for Iron. The result for pasting properties showed that Peak Viscosity ranged from 77.58 to 40.10RVU, 28.85 to 20.10RVU for Trough Viscosity, 429.50 to 222.10RVU for Final Viscosity, 425.70 to 241.20RVU for Set Back, 53.80 to 33.40RVU for Break Down, 3 to 7mins for Pasting Time, 84.1o¬c to 88.24oc for Pasting Temperature. The result of the Sensory Evaluation of the cookie samples showed that all the five samples were accepted by the entire ten panelists. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Food Science Technology project topics and materials you might be interested in»Determination of some physical properties of fresh and dried tiger nut (cyperus esculentus)»Effect of Oil Types on the Physio-Chemical and Organoleptic Qualities of Akara»Nutrient and anti-nutrient content of raw, fermented and germinated millet flour»Formulation and production of ethanol from cassava waste peels»Quality characteristics of cookies produced from wheat, corn – soy composite and the pasting characteristics of the flour blended»Assessment of the cyanide content of different cassava products (Abachammiri, Fufu, Garri, African salad) consumed in Afikpo»Assessing the impact of air humidity on the drying of freshly harvested corn»Production of fruit squash from different local fruits»Physico-chemical characteristics of biscuit produced from wheat-breadfruit composite flour»Physico-chemical and sensory properties of biscuit produced from composite flour of wheat and pigeon pea»The nutritional evaluation of biscuit produced from potato and plantain flours»Evaluation of jams and marmalades produced from apple, orange, water melon and pineapple»Quality evaluation of bread produced from wheat, tigernut and carrot flour blend»Production and quality evaluation of cake produced from wheat flour and sweet potato flour»Production of shelf-stable pineapple (Ananas Comosus) juice using gum arabic (Acacia Senegal) as a stabilizer