Application of linear programming technique to profit maximization in the production of soap (a case study of Promotex industrial and chemical company limited, Nnewi, Anambra state) Department: Mathematics and Statistics By: peterjohn Project ID: 389 Rating: (2.6) votes: 125Rate this project12345 Price:₦1000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractTo study production process in order to maximize profit and determine the optimum quantity to produce in soap Production planning, Promotex Industrial and Chemical Company limited Nnewi was studied as the case study. the linear programming simplex method model was used in the determination of the optimum quantity to produce and the company’s profit. The optimal strategy was to produce 260 cartons of x2 (Tropicana) and 80 cartons of x 3 (flowers) respectively while making the profit of N114, 000 on weekly basis....Preview Download Preview +Other Mathematics and Statistics project topics and materials you might be interested in»Statistical Quality Control of Premier Soap in Soap Manufacturing Industry ( A Case Study of PZ Cusson PLC Aba Abia State)»Statistical analysis of students’ height and weight (case study of federal polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo state) »Statistical analysis of unemployment rate among age groups and geographical locations in Nigeria»Statistical analysis of the problems associated with skill acquisition in Nigeria (a case study of male tailors in Imo state)»Application of linear programming technique to profit maximization in the production of soap (a case study of Promotex industrial and chemical company limited, Nnewi, Anambra state) »Statistical analysis of foster care and adoption rate in Abia state (a case study of motherless babies home Ahiaeke, Umuahia)»Determination of nutritional status of children within the ages of four (4) to ten (10) years using their body mass index (BMI)»Time series analysis on marriage registration in Ilorin, Kwara state»Statistical analysis on impact of parental hood on academic performance»Application of multiple queuing model in evaluating the efficiency of service in UBA bank»Econometrics analysis of gross national income on consumption expenditure of federal republic of Nigeria between (2011)»Statistical analysis of factors affecting crime in Imo state»Determinant of foreign direct investment in Nigeria and its effect on Nigerian economy: an empirical analysis»A statistical analysis of coal production in Nigeria - a case study of Nigeria coal corporation from 2000-2009»Statistical analysis on academic performance of students in Federal Polytechnic Offa