 Home»Marketing» The influence of advertising and personal selling on marketing of new products of commercial banks in Aba (a case study of UBA Nigeria PLC, Aba)

The influence of advertising and personal selling on marketing of new products of commercial banks in Aba (a case study of UBA Nigeria PLC, Aba)

 Department: Marketing  
 By: usericon jessy03  

 Project ID: 408
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In today’s highly competitive marketing environment, markers do not only stop at developing a good product pricing it attractively and making it readily available to the target customers, they must communicate it to the target audience for them to succeed. This research work has therefore been made to appraise the influence of advertising and personal selling on marketing of new products of commercial banks in Aba with specific interest on united bank for Africa (UBA) Plc. Generally speaking, economic growth is closely related to the commercial banks as their concern is to provide services to their customers, new product development and innovation is deemed necessary by operators so as to meet the immediate needs of its customers for minimum satisfaction yet, customers show no sign of improved favourable relationship even at the instance of radical improvement that has taken place in the product itself and the promotional tools via advertising and personal selling. In carrying out this research work, the researcher identified his objectives as follows: ...
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