 Home»Purchasing and Supply» The need for training and development of suppliers personnel in the public sector (a case study of ministry of agriculture and natural resources)

The need for training and development of suppliers personnel in the public sector (a case study of ministry of agriculture and natural resources)

 Department: Purchasing and Supply  
 By: usericon cooltechguy2  

 Project ID: 431
   Rating:  (2.9) votes: 28
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The focus of this research work is on the need for training and development of supplies personnel in a public sector. The researcher has chosen ministry of agriculture and National resources Imo State as a case study whose result and finding will be used to generalize with the need for training and development of supplies personnel in other public sector organizations. The problem found in this sector is that government are yet to be conceived of the need for an efficient and organized department to be run by properly trained unqualified and unskilled personnel who cannot cope with the present day complexity of administration and management thereby endangering the smooth operation of the sector. It is the purpose of this study to determine the need for effective supplies operation with trained personnel in the public sector. The research was carried out with the use of interview and questionnaire. During the course of this research, the researcher found out that though the supplies department was effective in its own way, it encountered one problem, the supplies department is a sub-division of the administration. Another problem is finance which hampers the effective operation and development is very poor. ...
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