 Home»Computer Science»  Design and implementation of COVID-19(coronavirus) contact tracing system for infected patients

Design and implementation of COVID-19(coronavirus) contact tracing system for infected patients

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon Bolu_Akinlawon  

 Project ID: 4549
   Rating:  (3.0) votes: 31
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A disease tracking system is basically a practice in the field of epidemiology which involves monitoring diseases, especially an epidemic in order to establish patterns of progression. For this study, we are going to be considering the most recent epidemic of the 21st century the COVID-19(Coronavirus Disease) pandemic. The primary and key role of this disease tracking system is to predict, observe and minimize the harm caused by the outbreak, epidemic and pandemic situation. It also plays the role of increasing knowledge about relevant factors which contribute to those circumstances. It is made particularly successful critically by the practice of disease case reporting. Reporting of disease outbreak incidents can be done by gathering cases from hospitals which could then now be collated and made public. This is a way to quickly contain hot spots for the particular disease we are tracking. Most times, there is a mandatory reporting policy in order to get quick, direct and accurate information so as to find solutions quickly to the problems identified through that information. Presently for the COVID 19 pandemic, the World Health Organisation is the lead agency for the coordination of global responses to the pandemic. It has a number of websites for specific diseases and has active teams in countries all over the world. The study covers COVID-19 documentation and control at least in the Nigerian society and also internationally. It focuses, particularly on the disease tracking system. We also examine challenges and techniques to address them. For this project, we would examine it on a smaller scale and test it before then broadening the scope....
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