 Home»Computer Science» Design and implementation of an expert system for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

Design and implementation of an expert system for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

 Department: Computer Science  
 By: usericon philip123  

 Project ID: 458
   Rating:  (2.6) votes: 220
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Expert system for breast cancer diagnosis is a software doctor aimed at designing a package that can act as expert doctor to assist in the absence of one. A database of the procedures for this diagnosis of breast cancer will be created, this will enable the retrieval of the data collected and stored for feature use. This package is simple, easy and reliable it makes an individual with computer knowledge have a vast range of knowledge for diagnosing breast cancer and prescribing treatments after inputting systems. Hospitals, research centers, laboratories and the government will benefit from this project when properly implemented especially in rural areas where experts system are almost not available. In carrying out this project, the methodology used were interview, questionnaire, and examination of records.  Due to the problem of the old system which is lots of time being wasted by patients while in a queue, reference or retrieval of information from old patients case is often a problem, sluggish rate releasing diagnosis report, patients past record are subjected to fear of rodents and termites attack. The new system will be capable of designing a medical expert system for breast cancer that will provide complimentary assistant to a patient without first going to the doctor for a diagnosis and be able to provide a system which is very effective, efficient, secure and reliable. Visual basic (V.B) 6.0 programming language was used in developing the new system....
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