 Home»Co-Operative Economics and Management» The role of cooperative in employment generation - case study of Nchara Oloko in Ikwuano Lga

The role of cooperative in employment generation - case study of Nchara Oloko in Ikwuano Lga

 Department: Co-Operative Economics and Management  
 By: usericon uzogood4u  

 Project ID: 4645
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This study evaluates the role of cooperative in employment generation in Nchara Oloko in Ikwuano L.G.A Of Abia state Nigeria according to some authors they see cooperative as an organization which comprises a group of person in the sociological sense, who operate individual, private business households in which one or more common aims/problem have arisen and has/have brought the group together in self& or mutual help towards solving the common problems by means of a business enterprise which is jointly owned/maintained by the group and is meant to produce not just any goods/services but rather good and services as required by and made available directly to the business household of the members in response to a special charge to promote the (economic) welfare of the members as individual private businessmen, owners of private households and in the special case of the productive cooperative, employees of the cooperative enterprises. Two resources of data namely, primary and secondary data were used. Questionnaires were also used as research instruments to supplement information while the hypothesis testing was conducted using chi-square (x) 2 at the end of the study, it was deduced that problem such as: the following hinders cooperative business viz: - Lack of capital - Lack of member’s commitment to the cooperative business. - Poor management ability etc On the basis of the above findings, and conclusion the following recommendations were made to improve the performance viz: - Exploring all available opportunities was made to expand their fundraising ability. - Cooperative should mobilize and move funds so as to be involved in more economic activities, that will generate more employment with the above recommendations, it is hoped that the performance (Role of cooperative within the L.G.A. and beyond especially on their employment generation will improve). ...
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